Just lister to the whispers in the quiet of the dawn a thousand little muffled sounds along t ...《看全文》
As Time goes on things hurt you less. when you are young your happiness depends so much from ...《看全文》
It's not enough to keep alive. to breathe and sleep and eat. Life is more than and it can never be ...《看全文》
我正在為我將來的前途而計畫做著金色的美夢.因為那是維持我生存的力量.我看來是一個愚笨的傢伙不過在有些人中我算幸運的.在我的心中有個不聲不響而思慕的寶藏.我自己認為的天堂以及可以為我帶幸福的人和歡樂的日子將跟隨我住進這美麗的城堡.這些隱秘的夢想它使我的希望覺醒. ...《看全文》
I spilt the milk the other day well what is it that people say ? "il's no use crying" if it's done ...《看全文》
A streak of light below the curtain steals into the gloom--searching out the hidden corners o ...《看全文》