I went to NYC and came back soon Maybe I am frash,opening a new sight Or I try to thinking everything in English It's ...《看全文》
sometimes...I feel exausted.. sometimes...I have more energe to do anything I want. I always hope I m a superman that can help a ...《看全文》
Can anyone practice english with me? ...《看全文》
6/24開課!! in NY!! 不知道要提早多早去.. 要先去哪玩 ...《看全文》
遊學選校好頭痛ㄚ~~ 價錢差好多~ 害我都要考慮加拿大了 拿觀光簽再去美國~ ILS or 大學附設... 有沒有人有推薦的ㄋ ...《看全文》
都準備好要去美國一年ㄌ 就多ㄌ好多變數 學費也漲価ㄌ 家人又一直用感情攻勢留下我 噢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...《看全文》