I turned down an offer,doesn t mean I am passive, but wanna gain enough confidence b4 seeking a new way. Bless me! ; ) ...《看全文》
I write a letter today again!(the first one's written 1 year ago!)I found that I miss him much when I was in blue. Weather's no ...《看全文》
I write a letter today.For such a long time I haven't written any letter since the invention of Internet (almost). Wish it comes ...《看全文》
Heavy raining today heart sinks sometimes we really have sth that we cannot achieve can't help ...《看全文》
我的伯父在昨晨去世了。我跟他不很親厚,因為兩家人住在不同的地方(香港和台灣), 小時也窮,一家五口乘飛機赴台是不能了。伯父跟伯母也是足不出戶的,數十年來從未離開過台灣..只靠書信交流, 到長大了才有能力去見他, 看看他 他臨終前,爸爸,哥哥和阿嫂趕赴台見 ...《看全文》
I started my new job last Monday. So far it is okay, workload is heavy as before, but new environment, new task, new colleague ...《看全文》