Sex And The City--Sex And The City (01)
Once upon a time an English journalist came to New York.
Elizabeth was attractive.
Right and right away she was hocked up with one of the city's typically eligible bachelors.
T: "The question remains: Is this really a company we want to own?"
T: "問題是這家公司值得投資嗎?"
Tim was 42, a well-liked and respected investment banker who made about two million a year.
Tim 42歲,是位迷人且頗有聲望的銀行家,年新約兩百萬.
They met one evening, in typical New York fashion at a gallery opening.
T: "Like it?"
T: "喜歡嗎?"
E: "Yes, actually. I think it's quite interesting. What?"
E: "是啊,事實上,我覺得很有趣. 怎麼了?"
T: "I feel like I know you from somewhere."
T: "我對你有似曾相似的感覺"
E: "Doubtful. I only just moved here from London."
E: "應該不會吧! 我才剛從倫敦搬過來"
T: "London? Really? That's my all-time favorite city."
T: "倫敦? 真的嗎? 那是我最愛的城市."
E: "It is?"
E: "是嗎?"
T: "Absolutely."
T: "真的"
It was love at first sight.
E: "You know...I think perhaps I have met you somewhere before."
E: "你知道嗎...我想或許我們真的曾經見過"
For two weeks they snuggled
went to romantic restaurants
had wonderful sex
and shared their most intimate secrets.
One warm spring day he took her to a town house he saw in Sunday's New York Times.
A house agent: "How about if we start at the top and work our way down?"
房屋經紀人: "我們何不從樓上一路往下看?"
A house agent: "There are four bedrooms upstairs. Do you have any children?"
房屋經紀人: " 樓上有四間臥房. 你們有孩子嗎?"
T: "Not yet."
T: "還沒有"
That day, Tim popped the question.
T: " How'd you like to have dinner with my folks Tuesday night?"
T: " 星期二晚上你願意跟我父母見個面嗎?"
E: "I'd love to."
E: "我很樂意"
On Tuesday, he called with some bad news.
T: "My mother's not feeling very well."
T: "我媽不太舒服"
E: "Well, gosh, I'm sorry."
E: "天啊! 那真是太糟糕了"
T: "Could we take a rain check?"
T: '我們可以改天再說嗎?"
E: "Of course. Tell your mum I hope she feels better."
E: "沒問題. 幫我向你媽媽問好"
When she hadn't heard from him for two weeks, she called.
E: "Tim, it's Elizabeth. That's an awfully long rain check."
E: "Tim, 我是 Elizabeth. 你未免也讓我等太久了吧"
He said he was up to his ears and that he'd call her the next day.
E: "He never did call, of course. Bastard."
E: "他當然再也沒打來,大混蛋."
She told me one day over coffee.
E: "I don't understand. In England, looking at houses together would have meant something."
E: "我不明白. 在英國,兩個人一起看房子就表示他們要結婚了"
Then I realized no one had told her about the end of love in Manhattan.
Welcome to the age of "un-innocence."
No one has breakfast at Tiffany's, and no one has affairs to remember.
Instead, we have breakfast at 7:00 a.m and affairs we try to forget as quickly as possible.
Self-protection and closing the deal are paramount.
Cupid has flown the co-op.
Carrie: "How the hell did we get into this mess?"
Carrie: "為什麼會這樣呢?"
to be continued...