The twelve strikes of your clock at midnight will bring my wishes to you for the next twelve months.
First Strike: Wish of Health that all the money in the world cannot buy
世上再多的財富,也換不到健康的身體。 第二聲鐘響:祝您心中有愛! Second Strike: Wish of Love that life around you be filled with love, not with hatred and war 在您的周遭都充滿了愛,沒有憎恨與鬥爭。 第三聲鐘響:祝您幸福! Third Strike: Wish of Luck that you never lack of anything in this life 任何事物在您一生中都不虞匱乏
第四聲鐘響:祝您有美好的夢境。 Fourth Strike: Wish of Dreams that you have dreams so as to see them come true 您的這些美夢將一一實現! 第五聲鐘響:祝您勇氣十足。 Fifth Strike: Wish of Courage courage to accept what you cannot change 您有勇氣去面對無法改變的事實。 第六聲鐘響:祝您有意想不到的友誼。 Sixth Strike: Wish of Encounters that you taste the sweetness of friendship and never feel lonely 您感受到友情的甜美,永不孤獨。 第七聲鐘響:祝您闔家融洽。 Seventh Strike: Wish of Family Unity that you enjoy the enduring ties of a loving family 您享有家人給予您永恆的愛。 第八聲鐘響:祝您心想事成。 EighthStrike:Wish of Success that all your projects be fruitful 您所有的規劃,都有豐碩的成果。 第九聲鐘響:祝您心境平和。 Ninth Strike: Wish of Peace that your heart be free of anxiety, hatred, and envy 您的心靈純淨得沒有慮、憎恨和猜忌。 第十聲鐘響:祝您心存感謝。 Tenth Strike:Wish of Gratitude that you rejoice for being alive each and every day 您每天醒來,為自己仍擁有充沛的活力而欣喜。 第十一聲鐘響:祝您有豐沛的想像力。 Eleventh Strike: Wish of Imagination that you can see even beyond the wonders of creation 您能洞悉超乎尋常的事物。 第十二聲鐘響:給您最重要的祈福。 Twelfth Strike:The Most Important Wish that youreceive blessing each and every day of this new year 在新的一年裡,每天您都收到來自四面八方的祝福。