So tired to be asked for any of my opinion if i am not the one who has the right for making finale decision even if things do related to myself. Parents middle in everything. Those inappropriate words hurt perople a lot indeed. Could people think before speak ? 國家地理頻道從今天晚上九點開始,每週日都有一集綻放真台灣的系列, 一共有四集 大家可以看看哦~~ I enjoy our chat on Friday night and thanks for the cup of tea. By the way, you don't look like "Pisces".
姐..我有寫這麼明顯嗎? 嘻 發洩過後好很多了 改天去高雄找姐喝茶逛街哦
ㄟ~~ 雖然我不大會日文, 但我看得出來飄流大哥是在說我好好的一個台灣人寫什麼英文嘛~ 是吧