法國麵包 Baguette USD2...法國麵包在柬埔寨飲食文化里最源遠流長﹐舉足輕重的一種食物...不管路邊攤或餐廳都可以容易找到...這裡的法國麵包有兩種吃法﹐一是單吃不加料...但小王子還是偏愛第二種吃法﹐那就是夾料的潛水艇三民治...裡頭會加肉碎﹐火腿和泡菜一起吃...小王子很喜歡吃這家的法國麵包﹐因為這裡的料超多的﹐一份法國麵包可以吃到三種的火腿...外頭最多只有兩種火腿而已...經過烤熱的法國麵包...金金黃黃...外脆內軟...加上那些配料...超完美的...Cambodian cuisine draws from the great civilizations of China and India and is also influenced by neighbouring Vietnam and Thailand...There are also traces of French inspiration from the time when Cambodia was part of French Indochina...Baguette or the long French bread, for instance, has come to be Cambodia’s national bread and it is common to find sandwiches made from baguette in Cambodia...
胡椒鹽桔子沾醬 Pepper salt with lemon juice...胡椒鹽在柬埔寨也是種常出現的調味料﹐多數拿來沾肉類...但這裡的胡椒鹽和台灣的確完全不同...這裡是單純的將黑胡椒和鹽拌勻... 吃時在擠些桔子下去...味道酸酸咸咸的...還帶那黑胡椒香...The pepper salt here is different what we have in Taiwan, here is mix of black pepper and salt only...And add in lemon juice while serve, is nice to go with meat...