Elton John 主要的作品如 Your Song、Goodbye Yellow Brick Road、
Don’t let the Sun go down on me、Rocket Man等等。
與其說Elton John偉大,不如說與他多年不離不棄,
在流行樂壇有「金筆」之稱的Bernie Taupin偉大!
他幾乎包辦了所有Elton John作品的歌詞。
人說沒有Bernie Taupin,沒有Elton John。
Bernie Taupin的歌詞平易近人,感性,但意境深遠。
聽Elton John作品通常都會受其詞打動心靈的居多。
聽說兩人的「斷背」關系是非常公開的,Bernie Taupin結過四次婚。
如果要我選一首我認為是Elton John與Bernie Taupin最好的作品,
相信很多人會和我一樣選Candle in the wind。
再加上歌曲本身是為哀悼Norman Jean
(瑪莉蓮夢露 Marilyn Monroe的真名) 的早逝而作,
是對好萊塢( Hollywood )一個控訴,
Elton John在Candle in the wind內結論性地說,
Candle In The Wind - Elton John, Bernie Taupin
Artist: Elton John
Album: Greatest Hits 1970-2002
Candle in the Wind 1997 風中之燭 1997
Goodbye England's Rose 永別了,我們的英國玫瑰,
May you ever grow in our hearts 願妳永遠盛開在我們心中。
You were the grace that placed itself 妳是仁慈的化身,
Where lives were torn apart 關懷翼庇顛沛流離的人們。
You called out to our country 妳向我們的國家大聲疾呼,
And you whispered to those in pain 妳對苦難中的人輕聲安慰。
Now you 4)belong to heaven 現下妳已去往天堂,
And the stars 5)spell out your name 群星也將妳的名字閃耀。
And it seems to me you lived your life 妳的一生,
Like a candle in the wind 就像是風中之燭,
Never fading with the sunset 即使大雨傾盆不止。
When the rain 6)set in 光芒從不隨夕陽消失。
And your footsteps will always fall here 而妳的足音將永遠回響
Along England's greenest hills 在英國最青翠的山崗上。
Your candle's burned out 7)long before 蠟燭終會燃盡,
Your legend ever will 妳的傳奇卻將永世不朽。
8)Loveliness we've lost 我們已經失去這可愛的人,
These 9)empty days without your smile 在沒有妳的笑容的空虛日子裡。
This 10)torch we'll always carry 我們將永遠高舉這火炬,
For our nation's 11)golden child 來紀念英國最高貴的天使。
And even though we try, 即使我們強忍悲痛,
The truth brings us to tears 事實依舊讓人流淚哽咽。
All our words cannot express, 我們所有的言語都無法道盡。
The joy you brought us through the years 這些年來妳帶給我們的溫暖和喜悅。
Goodbye England's Rose 永別了,我們的英國玫瑰,
May you ever grow in our hearts 願妳永遠盛開在我們心中。
You were the grace that placed itself 妳是仁慈的化身,
Where lives were torn apart 關懷翼庇顛沛流離的人們。
Goodbye England's Rose, 永別了,我們的英國玫瑰,
From a country lost without your soul, 失去妳的這個國家深感失落。
Who'll miss the wings of your compassion, 妳永遠不會知道,我們將多么懷念,
More than you'll ever know 妳那顆善良悲憫的心。
And it seems to me you lived your life 妳的一生,
Like a candle in the wind 就像是風中之燭,
Never fading with the sunset 即使大雨傾盆不止。
When the rain set in 光芒從不隨夕陽消失。
And your footsteps will always fall here 而妳的足音將永遠回響
Along England's greenest hills 在英國最青翠的山崗上。
Your candle's burned out long before 蠟燭終會燃盡,
Your legend ever will 妳的傳奇卻將永世不朽。