檔案狀態:    住戶編號:2653827
 凡人Kenny 的日記本
Roxette  《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 歷史的傷口
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: 小三的心情!!
作者: 凡人Kenny 日期: 2011.05.23  天氣:  心情:
最近 小三話題正當洪.剛剛找了一下.發現.在80年代中期.大西洋之星這個團體.就已經把小三的心態及想法都已經用歌詞表現出來了.而且~~~~非場寫實.聽聽看吧

secret lover by atlantic star

Secret lovers

Here we are, the two of us together Taking this crazy chance to be all alone We both know that we should not be together Secret lovers Cause if they find out it could mess up Both our happy homes I hate to think about us not together As soon as I look at you it will show on my face Then they'll know that we've been loving each other We can't let'em know, girl, no, no We can't leave a trace Secret lovers that's what we are We should not be together But we can't let go cause we love each other so Sitting at home I do nothing all day But I think about you and hope that you're okay Hoping you call before anyone gets home I wait anxiously alone by the phone How could something so wrong be so right I whish we didn't have to put our love out of sight Living two lives just ain't easy at all But we gotta hang on in there or fall Secret lovers that's what we are Trying so hard to hide the way we feel Cause we both belong to someone else But we can't let go cause what we feel is oh so real... So real So real... You and me Are We fair Is this cruel Or do we care ? Can they tell what's in our mind ? Or maybe we'll be secret lovers all of the time ? In the middle of making love we notice the time We both get nervous 'cause it's way after nine Even though we hate it we know it's time that we go We gotta be careful so that no one will know Secret lovers that's what we are Trying so hard to hide the way we feel Cause we both belong to someone else But we can't let go cause what we feel is oh so real... So real So real...


就此時此地只有你我二人 冒險抓住這難得的獨處機會彼此都知道不該在一起 因為一旦被發現就會破壞 兩個快樂的家庭 痛恨這樣大伙齊聚還得裝作若無其事的場合 但四目交會我的眼神就會出賣我們的戀情 他們會發現我們相戀已久 不能讓他們知道 不能留下任何痕跡 我們是對神秘戀人 不該在一起的 但卻無法放手,因為我們深愛著彼此 整日閒坐在家 一心想著你是否無恙 期待在家人回來前接到你的電話 獨自焦急在電話旁等待 明明是個是個錯誤,為何感覺如此美好 真希望我們的愛不需隱藏 生活在這兩種情況下的日子真的不好過 然而如不堅持必然萬劫不復 我們是對神秘戀人 試著努力藏住我們的感情 因為我倆早已各有所屬 不能放手,因為我倆的愛是如此真實 如此真實 如此真實 我們這樣公平嗎 ?殘酷嗎? 應該在乎嗎? 他們能了解嗎? 或許他們也都有秘密情人 纏綿之際發現時間已晚 九點已過,兩人都緊張起來 儘管不願,但還是要離開 我們會很小心地,以免戀情曝光我們是對神秘戀人 試著努力藏住我們的感情 因為我倆早已各有所屬 不能放手,因為我倆的愛是如此真實... 如此真實 如此真實...

瀏覽次數:140    人氣指數:1940    累積鼓勵:90
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
Roxette  《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 歷史的傷口
時間:2011-10-22 00:07
她, 51歲,新竹縣,經商
