檔案狀態:    住戶編號:53557
 さゆり 的日記本
男人外遇的二十個理由  《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 日文諺語
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: 英文諺語
作者: さゆり 日期: 2008.10.28  天氣:  心情:


Idle folk have the least leisure. 懶惰人才說沒空閒。

If you run after two hares, you willcatch neither. 同時追兩兔,兩頭都落空。

I ll news comes apace. 惡事傳千里。

It is a good horse that never stumbles. 再好的馬也會有絆倒之時。

It is a long lane that has no turning. 路必有彎(否極泰來)。

It is an ill wind that blows nobody anygood. 凡事有利有弊。

It is dogged that does it. 天下無難事,只怕有心人。

It is easy to be wise after the event. 不經一事,不長一智。

It is never too late to mend. 亡羊補牢,猶未晚也。

It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水難收。

It never rains but it pours. 禍不單行。

It takes two to make a quarrel. 孤掌難鳴(一個巴掌拍不響)。


Justice has long arms. 天網恢恢,疏而不漏。


Knowledge is power. 知識就是力量。


Least said, soonest mended. 少說少錯(多言惹禍)。

Let bygones be bygones. 既往不究。

Let sleeping dogs lie. 別自找麻煩(別惹事生非)。

Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。

Live and learn. 活到老,學到老。

Look before you leap. 三思而後行。

Lookers-on see most of the game. 旁觀者清。

Love is blind. 愛情是盲目的。

Love me little, love me long. 愛情要細水長流。


Make hay while the sun shines. 未雨綢繆(把握時機)。

Many a little makes a mickle. 積少成多(聚沙成塔、集腋成裘)。

Many hands make light work. 眾志成城。

Marry in haste, and repent at leisure. 匆匆結婚,慢慢後悔。

Men are not to be measured in inches. 人不可以貌相。

Might is right. 強權即是公理。

Money is the root of all evil. 愛財為萬惡之源。

Money makes the mare go. 有錢能使鬼推磨。

Money talks. 金錢萬能(錢能通神)。

Much would have more. 貪得無饜。

Murder will out. 如欲人不知,除非己莫為。


Necessity is the mother of invention. 需要為發明之母。

Necessity knows no law. 鋌而走險。

Never do things by halves. 做事切莫半途而廢。

Never look a gift horse in the mouth. 餽贈之物切莫挑剔。

Never say die. 勿氣餒灰心。

Never trouble trouble till troubletroubles you. 勿自尋煩惱。

No gains without pains.

No pains, no gains. 不勞則無獲。

No man can serve two masters. 一人不能事二君(一馬不能被兩鞍)。

No man is content with his lot. 無人能滿意於自己的命運。

No news is good news . 無消息即是好消息。

None so blind as those who won t see. 有眼不看者為盲。

Nothing comes of nothing. 事出必有因(無中不能生有)。

Nothing venture, nothing have. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。


Old habits die hard. 固習難除。

Once bitten, twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩。

One swallow does not make a summer. 勿以一概全。
瀏覽次數:135    人氣指數:335    累積鼓勵:10
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
男人外遇的二十個理由  《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 日文諺語
時間:2009-04-29 20:30
他, 47歲,西藏自治區,製造/供應商
作者回覆說[2009-04-30 00:43]:

haha~I don t know~maybe!!?heehee^^
