今天4:30就起床,5:15就開始做工也沒有買賣股票.所以All work and no play make myself a dull boy.
PM 要改designs in the late development cycle. I get paid by hours, so I give her an estimate between 30 and 40 hours.
I think I can get it done for 25 hours but I will play the game right to charge ny client 35 hours.
上有政策下有對策,反正老闆永遠是對的. 今天要對自己好一點,吃客廉價牛排.再兩個月就要有car payment 了,不能每一樣都不省.這個成人玩具有點貴因為我還要把我的Infiniti M45 賣掉.有兩部車就好了,不必留三部.