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 新竹桌遊咖 的日記本
Que Sera, Sera~ 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 網上交友IDEAS
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篇名: Standard Member
作者: 新竹桌遊咖 日期: 2010.02.09  天氣:  心情:
I have joined i-Partment for 26 days. Everyday I get on and go to my house to receive 30 gems. Then I water the flowers in my garden. Finally writing something about me and my feelings in the journal. Often times I keep these journals only for friends because I am a shy person. I wanted to be love, to feel love, and most importantly to give love. However, I see it is not possible as a standard member with no privileges of any sort.
I try to keep a dog but dog foods cost i-coins and so I have given that up. I try to decorate my room, but I can only keep 3 basic items while decorations have time limit. I try to play some games but all cost gems and i-coins. Today, I try to put up an image in my journal only to found out that it is impossible for standard members. I guess continue writing my journal and watering the flowers will do for me. A week from St. Valentine s Day, hope everyone find their partner or someone to rely on.

Thank you for visiting my journal~
[:-|] Ciao~
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