Right where you want me Whoa whoaa Girl I'm gonna let you have your way with me When you move like that its hard to breathe I never thought it could be like this But I was wrong Baby don't be gentle I can handle little pain Baby take me on a journey I've been thinkin lately I could use a little time alone with you Crazy Lets do something maybe Please don't take your time You got me right where you want me Cant explain it How you swept me off my feet Unexpectedly Instant motion tryin to keep my body still Ohhh I can hardly stand the thrill Well baby don't be gentle I can handle little pain Baby take me on a journey I've been thinkin lately I could use a little time alone with you Crazy Lets do something maybe Please don't take your time You got me right where you want me Baby take me on a journey I've been thinkin lately I could use a little time alone with you Crazy Lets do something maybe Please don't take your time You got me right where you want me
當竹簍中只有一隻螃蟹時,這 隻螃蟹會順著粗糙的內壁,爬 到出口脫逃,所以要將竹簍的 出口封住,以防螃蟹逃脫。而 如果有了兩隻以上的螃蟹時, 螃蟹一樣會沿著竹簍內壁,往 出口處拼命爬,想要脫逃。但 往往當那隻螃蟹快要爬到出口 時,就會有另一隻螃蟹也趕著 要逃出去,後來的這隻螃蟹會 死命地將前一隻往下拖,以利 自己逃生。就這樣,一隻螃蟹 想逃,其他的螃蟹會把牠拉下 來,不斷循環不已,根本沒有 任何螃蟹可以逃得出去,所以 抓螃蟹的小朋友,根本不需蓋 上竹簍的出口,也不怕螃蟹會 逃走。 在我們遇上挫折時,有時候不 也像是這般的情形。若是挫折 的原由,是來自別人的惡意批 評或中傷,像是竹簍中的螃蟹 ,不像讓同類超越自己一般; 對於這一類的障礙,毋須在其 中消耗自己太多的心靈能量。 正如同沒有人會在馬路上去踢 一條死狗;也沒有頑童會用石 頭去砸一棵不結果子的大樹。 有人想拉扯你,造成你的挫折 感,不是因為你不夠好;反倒 是因為你一直在成長,才會招 致停留原地不動的那些人的眼 紅,而想要將你往下扯。希望 我們都能記得竹簍中的螃蟹, 每天能努力地超越自我、不斷 向上攀升。