我深愛的小笨公~~ 整個早上一直讓自己很忙很忙 儘可能讓自己不要一直去想你 但還是會忍不住的去想你 下午要幫部屬上課 沒辦法這是主管永遠不變的天職 記得告訴過你我是公司的講師 之前拿到第二張講師證書時 你也是非常的開心 每次只要有獲獎我都會第一時間傳簡訊告訴你 你都會很開心的再回傳簡訊給我 而這下個月我又要獲獎了 但 少了你與我共享 不過我還是會繼續加油 因為我相信你會看到的 You should know, everywhere I go. Always on my mind, in my herat. You're the meaning in my life. You're bring feeling to my life. You're the only one who really know me at all. Close my eyes, I feel your heart beating. I believe it's meant to be. And when my love for life is running dry. You come and pour yourself on me. All your life you've waied. For love to come and stay. And now that I have found you. You're all that's left me too. And we both know, that our love will grow. And forever it will be, you and me. You're her perfect one, for me and you forever will be. And I will love you so, for always.