Kevin:” hey man…..dont you know she has boyfriend??”
Ming:” Sorry….I don’t know, but I think she should have boyfriend…”
Kevin:” Yes, she has boyfriend, and I am her boyfriend…….”[:~][:~]
這時呢 Ming抬起頭看了看 Kevin ………沉莫了幾秒鐘 依稀聽到Tom 跟 Freddy 在說話….
”Don’t get mad at him, Kevin….. he didn’t do nothing….just pass out…..”
Ming:” oh~~~ you are the luc~~ky guy….. man……” 呢呢喃喃的講了一堆沒人聽得懂的英文之後 轉過頭看著這位拉丁妹繼續講………….. Ming: ”Be~~cause , she is so~~~~kind~~ and so~~~~~beau~~ti~~ful~~~”
Tom 跟Freddy 依舊是拉著Kevin的手臂 Kevin 跟這兩位原本以為會有狀況了而前來勸架的男士說…..
Kevin:” That’s alright…..Dont worry about it, I wont beat him….. How can I beat him??? Look at his little face…. He is so fucking cute, I just cant beat such a cute guy…...”