work hard,work smart,work happy.
The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong,nor does food come to wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned: but time and chance happen to them all.
糖感謝曾幫助過糖 現在卻因為害怕糖大幅超越 反過來壓迫糖的人。
Empty pockets is your call.
dear boss...
Forget those tricks behind.
Dear mom...
your candy boy won't loose job again!
沒有這位新人 沒有那位長官 沒有...這些經驗
以前 糖只知道 努力工作 負責認真到底
現在 糖知道感恩 知道惜福 知道人和 知道與人為善
所以 work happier than ever before!