君: ==+ (我還拎老師勒==") ㄏ~~~ Dr. Reed!!! Hi~How are you doing?
R: 我很好! 我要請你幫我一個favor!
君: Sure!
R: 你有沒有....uh...mmm...上過...以前...uh..... Anyway...Have you ever taken my undergraduate classes before? (掰不下去了吼~~~還是用英文說比較快)
君: No~why?
R: Oh...I have a class at 9:45 on Thur. in Main 203, and I would like to invite you to the class, so my students can interview you. See...they don't have too much chances to interact with international students. This might be a good experience for them. So...would you like to come and tell them that international students won't bite? (幽默~~~最好是國際生會咬人啦 ==+) I know you will say "yes" coz you are such a nice girl! Am I right? (來這套~~~你電話都打到家裡來了我能說不嗎?)
君: No problem! You are right~that will be a very good experience for them! So...Waht should I prepare for Thur.?
R: No~you don't have to get anything done. All you need to do is...come to the class on Thur. and talk. They might ask you some questions about your family, Taiwan, or the experience of English learning.
君: I got it! Could you repeat the time and the room numers again?
R: It's 9:45 on Thur. in Main 203.
君: 9:45 in the morning???
R: Yep! Can you wake up?
君: Uh.....I guess so......... (夭壽~~~怎麼那穧?~"~)
R: I hope so! Do you need a morning call?
君: Of course not! Yeah....I think I can do that!
R: Thank you...I really appreciate it! 我感謝你!
君: 不客氣!
R: 我感謝你~~~我要謝謝你...怎麼...我要...感...怎麼...謝謝你? Well...how can I thank you? May be I can buy you a dinner. Or give you an "A" for 545.
君: Ha~~~the last one will be better for me! (最好是真的啦 ^^")
R: Ha ha ha~~~ So....when you come to the class on Thur., you just walk in; and I'll see you on Thur.