Sometimes, I feel like lost in the ocean, and there's no where close to land. Sometimes, I wander whether or not that I am walking down the right path . Sometimes, I wish I can live a better life or have a better way of life. Sometimes, I hope my Mr. Right can just appear in front of me and be there for me. Sometimes, I want to sleep until the day my brain stop functions so there's no more worry. Sometimes, I think too much and too complicate about things that I make everything more difficult. Sometimes, I doubt about my future, and I don't really know what's faith. Sometimes, I dream of becoming someone different, but I am stucked being who I am. Sometimes, I say too much and too fast that I just humiliate myself and hurt others easily. Sometimes, I just couldn't stop having these akward moments in time, and they are driving me crazy. I may be insane, but I may also be just out of my mind.
^^ thx
thanks for passing by. Maybe I am as outta mind as you do, just you don t know it.
I am not a careful person, but I can be timid in some cases. Thanks for coming.
呵呵 小麥~辛苦了 看來你最近真的很用功也很努力 加油喔~
這跟貪心沒關係阿! 只是不想讓人知道我原來那麼迷惘 不像平常表現出來的有自信 呵呵 是阿~順其自然~路是一樣得走的 不過~找不到路就是煩
我沒亂想 我是不知道該怎麼想
= =" 還是謝謝你囉! 看懂了也沒好處