The general public may offer respects to Kyabje Minling Trichen Rinpoche's Kudung beginning on the 10th day of the 1st month (Saturday, February 16th).
All rituals according to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition were performed before placing the Kudung in a traditional reliquary. The Kudung will be ceremoniously escorted to the shrine room at 9:30 am after which the general public may offer their respects and supplicate Kyabje Rinpoche to ceaselessly nurture and guide us in this and all future lifetimes.
A. 雖然法王圓寂,卻也正是法王功德臻至圓滿之時,祈請法王不捨受苦眾生,乘願再來!謹請十方共同追思法王,護持聖會!
B. 歡迎隨喜發心參贊:追思法王暨敏卓林「金剛薩埵」(2/12~2/23)與「八大嘿嚕嘎」(2/24~3/9) 兩大殊勝竹千法會,功德無量!
C. 亦祈請個人或合眾共同發心,供養全體修法僧眾及供茶齋糧供品等,擔任法會之「一日總檀主」。(一日所需功德金約3萬元)