冷冷的雨 就像是無意義的閒話
The cold rain is just like a meaningless chat,
which never influence my life.
我的一切 該問的其實你都問過
All about me you’ve asked if you need.
關於愛情 找人討論只是多餘
As for our love, talking to someone else is unnecessary.
兩字緣份啊 是最後的我的解釋
The last explanation that I can only say is the only word –fate.
失去的 我感謝天地
For the lost, I still need to thank the Gad
who can give me the chance to love you.
All you gave is much enough.
Still I’m not that guy you chose at last.
The chilling wind is blowing up, which makes my heart hurt badly.
一聲再會吧 已經沒有埋怨
To say one more word-good-bye! …that’s been no regret left.
不必說太多 心酸像雨水已經落地
It’s unnecessary to say any more, my heartache is just like rainfall fallen down.
Since that’s my own business,
請你相信 該想的其實我都想過
but please believe that I’ve thought all I can image.
關於愛情 感謝過去你的奉陪
About the romantic, I’ve still to thank you for your joining to the end.
一句真心話 謝天謝地 我有愛過
A word from my heart is to thank God ! At least I’ve ever been.
冷冷的雨 就像是無意義的閒話
The cold rain is just like a meaningless chat,
which never influence my life.
我的一切 該問的其實你都問過
All about me you’ve asked if you need.
關於愛情 找人討論只是多餘
As for our love, talking to someone else is unnecessary.
兩字緣份啊 是最後的我的解釋
The last explanation that I can only say is the only word –fate.
失去的 我感謝天地
For the lost, I still need to thank the Gad
who can give me the chance to love you.
All you gave is much enough.
Still I’m not that guy you chose at last.
The chilling wind is blowing up, which makes my heart hurt badly.
一聲再會吧 已經沒有埋怨
To say one more word-good-bye! …that’s been no regret left.
不必說太多 心酸像雨水已經落地
It’s unnecessary to say any more, my heartache is just like rainfall fallen down.
Since that’s my own business,
請你相信 該想的其實我都想過
but please believe that I’ve thought all I can image.
關於愛情 感謝過去你的奉陪
About the romantic, I’ve still to thank you for your joining to the end.
一句真心話 謝天謝地 我有愛過
A word from my heart is to thank God ! At least I’ve ever been.